Breast Cancer Prediction project using Machine learning technology

The aim of the breast cancer project is to use a machine learning method to predict whether it is breast cancer or not.

There are 2.3 million women diagnosed and 685000 deaths worldwide with breast cancer in 2020. There are 7.8 million women cure who are diagnosed in the last 5 years with breast cancer.  Breast cancer can be treated effectively and save the life of the patient when it detects early.

There are two types of tumors. 

  • One is a Malignant tumor
  • Another is a Benign tumor

Breast cancer is a Malignant tumor and the active cancer cell spread to other parts of the body. Breast cancer is a disease of women between 25-50 years of age. One in 29 women is suffering from breast cancer in India.

There are 569 samples of malignant and benign tumor cells in the dataset. Here, the dataset is denoted in the diagnosis to build a model to predict whether it is Malignant (M)or Benign(B).

1 denotes Malignant (Cancerous) - Present 

0 denotes Benign (Non-Cancerous) -Absent

The most popular Breast Cancer prediction methods are as follows. 

  • Support Vector Machine (SVM) Classifier
  • Logistic Regression
  • K Nearest neighbors Classifier
  • Naive Bayes Classifier
  • Decision tree Classifier
  • Random Forest Classifier
  • Ada boost Classifier
  • XGBoost Classifier
Breast Cancer Prediction model analysis with highest 98.24% accuracy.

  • SVM 97.66 %
  • LogisticRegression 97.07 %
  • KNeighborsClassifier 94.15 %
  • DecisionTreeClassifier 95.90 %
  • RandomForestClassifier 97.07 %
  • AdaBoostClassifier 95.90 %
  • XGBoost Classifier 98.24 %